Portfolio of Products

  • v-01-n hover icon1
  • v-03-n hover icon2
  • v-04-n hover icon3
    Tissue Semi - Finished
  • v-05-n hover icon4
    Specialty papers
  • v-06-n hover icon5
  • v-02-h hover icon6
    Solid Boards
  • v-07-n hover icon7
    Ultra - Premium
  • v-08-n hover icon8
    Food Packaging

Business Brokerage

We provide independent value-added financial advisory services to small and mid-size companies with focus in paper and packaging sector in Greece and the greater SEE with revenues from € 5 to 50m. Given our experience, knowledge and long lasting contacts in the specific sector we are able to find the best solutions and business match in each case, either in sell-side or buy-side transactions for the mutual benefit of the contracting parties. We operate free from conflicts of interest, based on the principles of integrity, responsibility and confidentiality and contrary to the known big consultancy and advisory firms, we act as personal consultants throughout the process with unparalleled commitment, loyalty and cost-effective manner.

  • service1 Initial discussion and preparations of NDAs / Mandates
  • service2 Independent business valuation
  • service3 Preparation of investor’s pitchbook
  • service4 Identification of the right fit investors
  • service5 Confidential marketing
    of the opportunity to
    screened buyers
  • service6 Assisting negotiations
    during the
    Non-binding offer
  • service7 Support during due
    diligence process
  • service8 Final Negotiations and
    deal conclusion